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Friday, December 27, 2019

Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational...

Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems The comparison between Japanese and North American educational systems is often used. The Japanese system, along with other Asian cultures, places importance on the group and the interdependence of its members (Cole Cole, 2001, p. 541). The North American model, in contrast, focuses on the ideals of individuality and independence (Cole Cole, 2001, p.541). This contrast is due to a conflicting cultural/social structure and outlook of the world. Japanese look at the development of self as doubled sided: the inner self and the social or public self (Hoffman, 2000, p.307). Within the Japanese education system, the teachers goal is to develop and cultivate both layers.†¦show more content†¦This follows the cultural theme of interconnectedness in contrast to independence. This theme is the backbone to the Japanese educational and cultural system. In contrast, the North American education system stresses the ideals of individualism. The aim of the North American system is to socialize the children to become independent individuals, who have relationships with whom they choose (Cole Cole, 2001, p.541). This ideal of individualism influences the way educators approach learning. Children are encouraged to strive and pursue individual potential and needs (Hoffman, 2000, p.302). Children spend a lot of time pursuing individual activities alone during class time. The classroom is teacher centered in terms of its direction and authority. Whereas the Japanese teacher relies on the social structure and peers, North American teachers have authority to direct the class (Hoffman, 2000, p.304). This adult control is an external standard placed on the child (Hoffman, 2000, p.306). The Japanese teacher relies on the inner standards within the child and their fellow classmates to control the child (Hoffman, 2000, p.307). In situations, such as a child acting out in class, North American teachers assert authority where as Japanese teachers look to group pressure to conform and control the child. The childsShow MoreRelatedJapanese vs. Canadian Schools1779 Words   |  8 PagesIndividuality and Interdependence: a Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems The comparison between Japanese and North American educational systems is often used. The Japanese system, along with other Asian cultures, places importance on the group and the interdependence of its members (Cole Cole, 2001, p. 541). The North American model, in contrast, focuses on the ideals of individuality and independence (Cole Cole, 2001, p.541). This contrast is due to a conflictingRead MoreShimano Inc. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Gender Stereotypes In Nickel And Dimed - 1636 Words

In a Low Wage World â€Å"You can’t judge a book by it’s cover†. Every day our parents tell us as children that we cannot judge things based on the first glances that we see. However, people in our society today have filled their heads with stereotypes in order to judge people and their abilities. And when hiring employees, stereotypes and first glances is all an employer sees and therefore care about. In her book, Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich proves that a person’s race and gender have a massive influence on the type of low-wage work a person can find, due to the stereotypes that are associated with gender and race in our society today. Ehrenreich exploits the abuse that takes on in the workplace toward minorities, which ironically†¦show more content†¦Every establishment that she applies would rather hire her as a waitress because she is white and speaks English. When applying to Hearthside, Ehrenreich even downgrades herself in order to attain a job as a housekeeper. â€Å"I mutter about being woefully out of practice as a waitress, but he’s already on to the uniform† (Ehrenreich, 16). However, even though the author attempts to prove she would not make a good waitress, her employer is already stubborn and thinks that she is more worthy as a server as opposed to a housekeeper. So why did her boss make her a waitress when she clearly wanted to be a housekeeper? Her boss made her a waitress simply, because he used stereotypes to judge the author. Therefore, her boss only saw a white woman who was better equipped with serving skills even though Ehrenreich believed she had better housekeeping s kills. Now, sadly if a fluent English speaking Hispanic applied to the same job, she would only be hired as a housekeeper. In fact, she would be rejected as a waitress for the same reason that the author couldn’t become a housekeeper; the of color her skin. In today’s society, when someone thinks of a hotel maid, they think of a Latin woman who isn’t fluent in English. It is this very stereotype that affects the type of job a low-wage job a person receives simply because of the color of their skin and not their personal abilities. In her book, Ehrenreich manifests thatShow MoreRelatedRacism, Is There A Cure? Essay1626 Words   |  7 Pagesour text book, City Lights – Urban-Suburban Life in The Global Society: Chapter 6 the Ties That bind and Chapter 10 Identity Crisis along with the Movie â€Å"Crash† and â€Å"Crazy Beautiful† and with the book â€Å"Nickel and Dimed†. The purpose is to identify the conflicts whether it be a racial , ethnic, or gender occurrence, and how they form a sense of collective identity about themselves and about the other person. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Future Generation Communication Systems †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Future Generation Communication Systems. Answer: Introduction: It includes the interface setting with the proper handling the different applications. This includes the handling of convoluted applications with the handling of car door unlock. The interfaces are based on working with the signs that relate to the surfing and managing the website with the screen based focusing. The proper designing is set with the surfing and working on the website, which includes the good designing that will help in properly and easily solving the issues which are related to the GUI wireframe. (Yang, 2014). The standards are set with the paradox with the choice that includes the level of the procrastination. Here, Google and Facebook includes the hold of the work with the shareholders working on the GUI. The sensors and the automation processes includes the seamless UX, with the focus on how the hospital is able to handle and manage with the patients for the sensors. The automatic alerts for any of the misahppenings either for the detection of the injuries helps in determining about the automatic door sliding process. It is also considered to be based on seamless options where the User Interface is not required. But on the other hand, the GUI is also including the different positive features like the use of certain places which are like the smart lamp functioning and the consideration on how the user interface is able to handle the overriding processes and the setting of the tunes. Twister Pair Cable Coaxial optic Fibre Bandwidth 0-4Khz 0 to 500 Mhz 186-350 Thz Distance 3km 10km 40 km Interference rating Medium level which is less than coaxial Medium level more than twister Lower level Cost Less than coaxial Medium more than twister High Security Medium less than coaxial Medium High The other three pair cables which could be considered are: The UTP which is one of the Unshielded Twisted Pair that has been for the handling of different connections. Along with this, it works on adhering to the connections with the ranges that include the variation in between 1 to 10000 Mbps. It also includes the proper usage of the setup plans that are for determining and handling the security of the system. The STP is the Shielded Pair cable that has been to handle the interference which includes the different forms of the medium and to work on the costs that could be considered under the medium approach. (Kopetz, 2011). The safety requirements with the proper setup of the distance is medium which is found to be more in range than that of UTP. The radio is set under the range that includes the functioning and the setup for the proper standardization process. It includes the power of attenuation and then processing the signals which depends on how the response is possible for the interference and to handle the security patterns which are seen to be less Sensors The sensors are the technology which are for the mobile devices and working towards the handling of the system data that is collected from the emotion sensing and the processing. IoT standards are based on the cloud based resources which includes the different recommended services that are important for the infrastructure development. The IoT also works on the monitoring process with taking different measurements and the collection of data. The decreased price of IoT deployment cost is low with the enabling of the use cases that are set for the specific type of the sensors. The temperature and the pressure sensors are there to control the frequency with the transformation of how the manufacturers are able to handle the implementations set of IoT. The smart sensors work on the impact of the supply chain with the embedding in the products that will help in improving the processes of manufacturing. The sensors are also for creating the smart products and the new revenue sources which co mes from the enhancement of the different features. The major disadvantage for this is the loss of the jobs of the people due to the automatic functioning of different processes. RFID It works on handling the radio frequency identification that includes the different electronic device patterns that are important for the ATM card processing and working on the data transactions. (Xia et al., 2012). The limits are set for checking on how to handle the technology with the different tags. The issue with this is about how the reader is able to work with the tagging and for this it is also important to check on how the readers will be able to work towards the different system working. Hence, to avoid the issues, there is a use of the tag collision processing where the tags occur and they are set in the smaller area too. (Gubbi et al., 2013) It is also related to the fact where the reading time with the vendors include the working and the system development depending upon the ranges of the tag time. Video Tracking The tracking of the video and then defining different functions is based on the technology growth with the development towards the learning algorithm. Hence, for this, the check is on projecting over the people, objects and the different forms of the situations. It includes the IoT applications with the different sets for running the opportunities and the use to hold the use of the video capability with the visual complex feeds. The standards are set for the advancement pattern and the recognition which is important for the multidimensional decisions. It works with the different variables. The major issue with this is related to the privacy of the system and then properly monitor the results and the situations which include the production line workers. The technology is based on working over the demographic information and tracking of the shoppers as well. The issues are related to how the system needs to work on the exposure for the IoT with the focus on working over the communication standards. Along with this, the check is also on the connectivity with the revolutionizing the individuals and the corporate interactions. The legal issues and the risks are related to work on the different series of the big data analytical engines for gain of the new insights. The ecommerce companies are working on the leveraging of the proactive fulfillment with providing the different supplies for the medicine and the other medicinal components. The concern is also about the initial rollout of the technologies which includes the mobile device application development. (Wang Zhang, 2012). With this, the check is on working over the system standards and work over the data with the business that is able to collect the information from the different stores and the restaurants which are visited by the different users. The privacy also includes the variety and the volume of the potential and the personal information for the third parties which includes the risks for the users and the companies to handle the collection and the proper use of the information. The trigger which needs to be request for the time of 1second, includes the round trip for 12 ms and the processing time for 3 msec. Here, the applications are handled through 2ms, where the applications are then blocked by the time budget which is saved approximately 1.019seconds. Hence, for the round trip, the time of the processing would be 6ms+2ms=8ms Nielsen law is related to work on how the different users are able to handle the bandwidth with the growth that is set with increased percentage of 50%. Along with this, there are different specifications related to how the annual growth is worked and stated.(Wortmann et al., 2015). It includes the different sets of the computer patterns which tend to double with the time of 18 months. The communication standards with the bandwidth display includes the gating factor. The average bandwidth which is set includes how the user is able to work on spending the money with the bandwidth. The base seems to work on the users who work for the high-end shifts. Here, there are different implications related to the testing of the equipment and then working on the high-end users as well. (Gubbi et al.,2013). Moore law works on the laws which is based on the growth and then slowing down the computer power. The check is on the system capability and to work on how it gets doubled. IoT includes the wide scale functioning with the miniaturized forms of the computing. It also includes the applications which are important for the processing of the data as well as management of the content. References Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions.Future generation computer systems,29(7), 1645-1660. Kopetz, H. (2011). Internet of things. InReal-time systems(pp. 307-323). Springer US. Wang, Y., Zhang, X. (2012). Internet of things. Wortmann, F., Flchter, K. (2015). Internet of things.Business Information Systems Engineering,57(3), 221-224. Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things.International Journal of Communication Systems,25(9), 1101. Yang, S. H. (2014). Internet of things. InWireless Sensor Networks(pp. 247-261). Springer London.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Organisational Obstacles and Challenges

Introduction Many corporations are looking for talented and competent employees who can produce the best results. Such workers should also be ready to learn new skills and concepts in order to make their companies successful. Employers are currently focusing on the best traits and values whenever recruiting new workers. This practice explains why various researchers have identified several competencies that can make corporations profitable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Obstacles and Challenges specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Employers expect every job applicant to possess certain values such as passion, discipline, ethics, creativity, competence, determination, and curiosity. Individuals with such traits will be ready to promote the best practices and strategies. The above values will make it easier for individuals to look for new skills and lessons in an attempt to make their companies success ful. These concepts will become critical in the future. Globalisation is forcing many corporations to hire individuals who can deal with organisational obstacles and challenges. Comparing and Contrasting the Articles According to Fernandez-Araoz, many companies hire individuals who have attended the best colleges. However, managers who lack the required technological and competitive skills cannot compete in the global market. New leaders should have the best skills in order to adapt to every new challenge. Employers should focus on certain aspects such as motivation, engagement, and curiosity. Whenever identifying new talents, ‘it is appropriate to look for motivation because it ensures individuals do not focus on their personal goals’ (Fernandez-Araoz 2014, p. 8). According to the author, employees should possess four unique qualities. These qualities include ‘insight, engagement, curiosity, and determination’ (Fernandez-Araoz 2014, p. 8). The best manager s and employees will eventually improve the level of collaboration and team leadership. The practice will also promote the concept of change leadership. Change leadership is the capacity to align a corporation and transform it in order to become successful. Interviewers should assess the above abilities and competencies in order to get the right individuals who can provide the best results (Fernandez-Araoz 2014). Good employees should be passionate about their jobs. They should also be happy and ready to serve their respective customers. The article also explains why employers should hire individuals who can learn new values and skills. This approach will ensure every corporation emerges successful.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employers should be able to retain their talented workers. This ‘strategy is necessary because every competitor is working hard to get talen ted employees’ (Fernandez-Araoz 2014, p. 9). Employers should ensure every worker portrays a strong connection and engagement with his or her occupation and workmates. The workers should also be ready to overcome setbacks and problems. Some factors such as experience, desire, experience, performance, and intelligence will ensure every firm hires the right people (Fernandez-Araoz 2014). The above practice will make it easier for employers to get the right talents. The article â€Å"Minds Viewed Globally† explains why individuals should embrace five specific minds in order to become competent employees. The ‘first mind is associated with discipline’ (Gardner 2008, p. 3). Every disciplined employee will work steadily in order to achieve the greatest goals. A disciplined mind will focus on the best practices and ideas. A good employee should also possess a synthesising mind. This person will be ready to collect information from various sources and combine it i n a proper manner. This mind will also become relevant in the coming years because more people are using different technological resources. The ‘individual will produce quality ideas and concepts that can be understood by the other employees’ (Gardner 2008, p. 5). An employee with a creative mind will be ready to achieve the best objectives. This person will always be eager to break new grounds. A creative mind is capable of identifying new values and questions that can make a difference. The individual will also present quality answers in order to make his or her corporation successful. A creative mind will always be ready to deal with the issues and challenges affecting the targeted company. An individual with a creative mind will always be a step ahead in an attempt to achieve the greatest potentials. Persons with respectful minds possess another powerful value known as respect (Gardner 8). Respectful persons will address every challenge affecting their groups or tea ms. Respectful persons will always understand others and promote teamwork. Every ethical person will focus on the issues affecting his or her working environment. Such individuals will present the best ideas in order to deal with the problems affecting their teams. The ‘ethical mind will examine how human beings can serve others without focusing on their personal gains’ (Gardner 2008, p. 9).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Obstacles and Challenges specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethical workers will always work hard in an attempt to improve the conditions encountered by others. These five minds will produce the best results. Individuals possessing these five minds will ensure their companies are on the right track. The companies will embrace the best strategies in order to get the targeted goals and potentials. The author of this article believes that such minds will ensure every emp loyee deals with the obstacles affecting his or her company. Such workers will also be ready to focus on new skills that will make them more productive and resourceful. The practice will produce the best results within a short period (Gardner 12). The article Howard Gardner goes further to explain why different corporations will be hiring ‘disciplined, resourceful, creative, and ethical workers in the future’ (Gardner 2014, p. 18). This approach will ensure every employee promotes the best ideas and concepts. This idea supports the current use of modern technologies and resources to deal with various organisational challenges. Conclusion The above two articles encourage workers and managers to focus on the best talents in order to remain productive. The first article by Fernandez-Araoz supports some unique values such as passion, commitment, engagement, and curiosity. These values can promote the best organisational practices. The second article by Garner identifies fiv e minds that will become meaningful in the coming years. That being the case, employers will always expect their workers to have discipline. Employees should also promote specific values such as creativity, competence, determination, curiosity, and engagement. Readers should examine these two articles differently and carefully in order to identify the best competencies that can make their businesses successful. List of References Fernandez-Araoz, C. 2014, ‘21st Century Talent Spotting’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 1-11.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gardner, H. 2008, ‘Minds Viewed Globally: A Personal Introduction: An Overview of the Five Minds for the Future’, Harvard Business Press, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-20. 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